Artist, Writer, Musician, Gamer, Macintosh

Age 29, Male



Joined on 8/6/08

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Mckilla1's News

Posted by Mckilla1 - April 25th, 2009

Read this:

"if you would like to post a review, you need to actually write one. Personal messages to authors, etc. should be sent through the private message system. "

I made a joke in the the review, i said that the title of my review (Now that was SICK) for Disturbed Johnny was my review (The review is in the title, dumbass XD)

I don't really think PMing has anything to do with that... what do you think?

I also got bored, again, so I downloaded this.

Review Ban... again...

Posted by Mckilla1 - April 22nd, 2009

I got flash! Finally!
I'm working on something that will HOPEFULLY be done for Clock Day ^^.
It's gonna be a real clock, no STFU.

lol Thing Thing 4 boss


Posted by Mckilla1 - April 14th, 2009

Rip-off artist's maze

This maze is not available for download, it is stolen. It was made by MACROMEDIA THEMSELVES when they made Macromedia Flash MXs. It's in the sample archive labeled as Maze.swf, believe me and search it in your Indigo if you have a Mac or whatever you have as a Hardrive.

Posted by Mckilla1 - April 5th, 2009

I finally beat this game that has been pissing me off, Bad news: Gay ending. Good news: I actually beat it!
Bad news: there are 5 sequels. Good news:We have 2!!! Bad news... nope that's it!

I also think it's about time for the beginning of Castle Repercussion A. He took his time with the smooth animation. Your probably thinking "Hey Mckilla, if you like it so much why won't you review it?!" Well, I was banned from reviewing for 7 days. At least M-bot never said "7 days!" like in The Ring. that would be weird if that 7 days after I'm banned i would die. -6 days after this post was made Mckilla1 died- lol.

And please, in the name of God, PLEASE check out this site. This is owned by my parents and whaddya know, it's a shop!


Oh, and it hasn't been updated cause it has March Sale still on. Great site to buy shirts, weird boxes, books, art stuff, and an asortment of other crap i don't know :P.

And this is about the 15th time i've said this, Congratz, Tom and April!

Oh, and i won't get Flash MX anytime soon :P. I'm already working on an idea fo the first Mckilla Show called That's Gotta Hurt!

Posted by Mckilla1 - March 29th, 2009


Yesterday i watched a movie staring The Rock based on the game below.... and it was unrated cause they was like 'Oh fuck it got Portman!' it as awesome towards the end when it was in 1st person shooting and chainsawing!!!! GET IT AT NETFLIX *_*

And if ya cant see pic, the movie and game is called.... DOOM!

But befor Doom there was zork, it looks like crap cause it text based and crap and Return to Zork which is the only one that is not text.... is not made anymore :'( but this was like the first MAC game.

Things that i never thought possible O_O

Posted by Mckilla1 - March 22nd, 2009

I got and E-mail from a friend about this weord site, it's actually pretty kool.

http://www.zefrank.com/byokal/kal2.htm l

Also i want to start the Mcninjas, but i need to figure out some stuff first :P

Check this out!

Posted by Mckilla1 - March 14th, 2009

Stupid title, i know.

All im saying is that I can help with flash ideas ppl have. Sci-Fi? You got it. Zombies. Yep. Action Adventure, hell, especially Action Adventure. Better, it's free. lol

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I pulled that from Tribal Wars. some guys im tight with made it.

Posted by Mckilla1 - February 15th, 2009

But what is really shittin weird is that im writing a book WTF.

It's called Phoenix: Born from Ashes
It's about 2 people, brother and sister, that escape from some orginazation called R.A.V.E.N. they get picked up by a convoy of soilders in a group called 10th Corps. They get treated with another convoy of soilders trained to kill R.A.V.E.N. experiments. That convoy gets destroyed (rofl) but then the 10th Crops convoy blows up cause of some Phoenix that is under the control of R.A.V.E.N. Still trying to figure the rest out !

P.S. Like the picture? i got it from google on a picture that someone made for the 2007 provbe that went to Mars ^_^

What the fuck