If you look back on my previous posts, I have mentioned Swirling Mist Press. This is the family store, and as of this August, we're moving into the Lavender Cottage in New Paltz, NY for our first "offline" shop! If you don't live in that area, go to our online stores! See our newest one at Zazzle! We sell collectible books (signed, signed by famous people, and antique), magnets with our designs like our Knight crests, flowers, and even a rewritten Gregorian chant which translates "Who died and made you Pope?" We have funny Italian, Latin, Spanish, and Irish/Celtic phrases, like our Irish 4 degrees "1.Drunk 2.Very Drunk 3. Quite Drunk 4.Blind drunk".
We sell lots of other things to, check out our antiques on eBay, too!
That's all i gotta say! Peace out.
a cat in a toilet
lol wut? :D